Friday, September 19, 2008

9.19.08 - Friday

Today was pretty awesome.

First day interning for Seth Kushner (awesome freelance photographer out of Brooklyn, check him out at

Really cool, fast, guerilla style shoot.

On my way back to the apartment I saw the scene shown above.

Fox News Business, most likely reporting on a story going on across the street at the Morgan Stanley building.

The longer I am here, the more I am convinced that when a reporter says "reporting on location," they are more than likely somewhere between the East River and the Hudson.

Might have to check my figures on the one though....


PC said...

Eric - awesome blog! Glad you got some real action today and that it went well!!! :-) Have fun this weekend and see you Monday!

Peggy said...

Eric--just arrived home from Az. Had fun, and drove back in our "new" car. Everyone was asking for you! Will give them info on how to write on this blog. Happy for YOU. Love, Grandma Peggy