Tuesday, November 4, 2008

11.4.08 - Election Day

What an incredible day to be am American.

Today, I woke up with a start, with the knowledge that the next 24 hours could very well shape the next generation in America.

After a restless day at work, a day constantly filled with checking my Blackberry for election updates, I made my way to Rockefeller Plaza, or, as it was called today, Election Plaza.

As the night unfolded, I saw a range of emotions within the crowd.

First, there was a sense of fear and question. After the 2000 and 2004 elections, no one was confident that what he pollsters and pundits had predicted would come through.

Then, as the numbers came in displayed in full color on a number of screens around the plaza, I saw the fear and apprehension shift to a feeling of excitement and apprehension as the pieces began to fall into place.

And finally, pure joy as the stress and anger of the last eight years, eight years filled with 2 wars, mounting debt and a economic breakdown, began to fade into the background, overshadowed by a message of hope.

So, as I sit here tonight, with a new president waiting in the wings, I am hopeful.

Whether your are Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Independent, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Gay, Straight, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, Atheist, rich, poor, old or young, you now have a new president. And being uncooperative will get us nowhere.

The people of America have spoken and the beauty of our governmental system is that the majority will speak for everyone.

So, wherever you sit on the issues, please be open to new idea while feeling free to speak your mind.

Be open to change while making sure that your ideals are not lost in the background.

Maybe I am just a optimistic dreamer, but I truly believe that everyone has a way to make themselves heard, especially in today's flat world.

While I may not agree with everything Barack Obama believes (i don't) or agree with all of the decisions he makes (I most likely wont), I accept that he will be my president and that I will have the right to disagree with him.

It is on this that our country is built, the right to believe what we want, and voice our opinions as such.

So, tonight, I ask, I plead, I pray for open mindedness.

(Insert sound of me jumping off of soap box.)

Hope your night is well.



*Photos - From the election night, included is my favorite photo of my time here with my new friends Kim and Karen, celebrating the Obama win with a display of pure joy. Enjoy :)

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