Welcome to the new space.
Just a nice cozy loft in my own corner of cyberspace.
The purpose of this blog is simple, to document and catalog my experiences this fall in New York City.
As i flew into Newark this evening, I thought that I was prepared for what awaited me.
Yeah, not so much.
As our 737 dipped below the clouds at around 10:30 PM, i saw the New York skyline break open before me.
But the most incredible thing of all, the sight that cut straight to the core of me, was simple.
Two beams of blue light, slicing infinitely toward the heavens.
The light stood in its place, the place where two towers stood, 7 years ago.
I was left speechless for the rest of the flight. The memories of this day, seven years ago, flooded back to me.
So, tonight, my first night in this city, my thoughts and prayers are with those who passed away on 9/11. God bless you and God bless all who sacrificed that day. You will not be soon forgotten.
Pictures tomorrow. Goodnight internet :)